
nwm package provides a set of functions that allows downloading of the National Water Model (NWM) datasets for data analysis and visualization. These functions were implemented using the API of the HydroShare National Water Model Web App.

nwm package includes a Basic Model Interface (BMI), which converts the NWM dataset into a reusable, plug-and-play data component for Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) modeling framework.

Please note that nwm package is deprecated. This package now only serves as an example to demonstrate how to implement BMI for research datasets as the CSDMS Data Component.

Getting Started


$ pip install nwm

Download NWM Data

You can launch binder to test and run the code below. binder

Example 1: use NwmHs class to download data (Recommended method)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nwm import NwmHs

# get data from National water model HydroShare App
nwm_data = NwmHs()
dataset = nwm_data.get_data(archive='harvey', config='short_range', geom='channel_rt', variable='streamflow',
                           comid=[5781915], init_time=0, start_date='2017-08-23')

# show metadata

# plot data
plt.xlabel('Year 2017')
plt.ylabel('{} ({})'.format(dataset.variable_name,dataset.variable_unit))
plt.title('Short range streamflow forecast for Channel 5781915 during Harvey Hurricane Event')


Example 2: use BmiNwmHs class to download data (Demonstration of how to use BMI).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cftime

from nwm import BmiNwmHs

# initiate a data component
data_comp = BmiNwmHs()

# get variable info
var_name = data_comp.get_output_var_names()[0]
var_unit = data_comp.get_var_units(var_name)
print(' variable_name: {}\n var_unit: {}\n'.format(var_name, var_unit))

# get time info
start_time = data_comp.get_start_time()
end_time = data_comp.get_end_time()
time_step = data_comp.get_time_step()
time_unit = data_comp.get_time_units()
time_steps = int((end_time - start_time)/time_step) + 1
print(' start_time:{}\n end_time:{}\n time_step:{}\n time_unit:{}\n time_steps:{}\n'.format(start_time, end_time, time_step, time_unit, time_steps))

# initiate numpy arrays to store data
stream_value = np.empty(1)
stream_array = np.empty(time_steps)
cftime_array = np.empty(time_steps)

for i in range(0, time_steps):
    data_comp.get_value(var_name, stream_value)
    stream_array[i] = stream_value
    cftime_array[i] = data_comp.get_current_time()

time_array = cftime.num2date(cftime_array, time_unit, only_use_cftime_datetimes=False, only_use_python_datetimes=True)

# plot data
plt.plot(time_array, stream_array)
plt.xlabel('Year 2017')
plt.ylabel('{} ({})'.format(var_name, var_unit))
plt.title('Short range streamflow forecast for Channel 5781915 during Harvey Hurricane Event')

Parameter settings

“get_data()” method includes multiple parameters for NWM data download. Details for each parameter are listed below.

  • archive: The archived data source of the forecast. Options include:
    • rolling: Data for 40-day rolling window
    • florence: Data for Hurricane Florence (2018-09-01 to 2018-10-19)
    • harvey: Data for Hurricane Harvey (2017-08-18 to 2017-09-06)
    • irma: Data for Hurricane Irma (2017-08-29 to 2017-09-15)
  • config: The configuration of the forecast. Options include:
    • short_range: short range forecast data
    • medium_range: medium range forecast data
    • long_range: long range forecast data
    • analysis_assim: analysis and assimilation data
  • geom: The geometry of the forecast or model forcing. Options include:
    • channel_rt: river channel stream routing forecast result
    • land: land surface processing forecast result
    • reservoir: 1260 reservoirs forecast result
    • forcing: climate forcing variable data
  • variable: The variable of the forecast. Variable option is available depending on the specified configuration (config) and geometry (geom) settings. Details for variable option are listed in the table below. Please note data may be unavailable for some archive options with the following configurations.

    • analysis_assim + channel_rt: “streamflow” or “velocity”.
    • analysis_assim + reservoir: “inflow” or “outflow”.
    • analysis_assim + land: “SNOWH”, “SNEQV”, “FSNO”, “ACCET”, or “SOILSAT_TOP”.
    • analysis_assim + forcing: “RAINRATE”, “LWDOWN”, “PSFC”, “Q2D”, “SWDOWN”, “T2D”, “U2D”, “V2D”.
    • short_range + channel_rt: “streamflow” or “velocity”.
    • short_range + reservoir: “inflow” or “outflow”.
    • short_range + land: “SNOWH”, “SNEQV”, “FSNO”, “ACCET”, or “SOILSAT_TOP”.
    • short_range + forcing: “RAINRATE”, “LWDOWN”, “SWDOWN”, “Q2D”, “T2D”, “U2D”, “V2D”.
    • medium_range + channel_rt: “streamflow” or “velocity”.
    • medium_range + reservoir: “inflow” or “outflow”.
    • medium_range + land: “SNOWH”, “SNEQV”, “FSNO”, “ACCET”, “SOILSAT_TOP”, “UGDRNOFF”, “ACCECAN”,”SOIL_T”, “SOIL_M”, or “CANWAT”.
    • medium_range + forcing: “RAINRATE”, “LWDOWN”, “SWDOWN”, “Q2D”, “T2D”, “U2D”, “V2D”.
    • long_range + channel_rt: “streamflow”.
    • long_range + reservoir: “inflow” or “outflow”.
    • long_range + land: “SNEQV”, “ACCET”, “SOILSAT_TOP”, “UGDRNOFF”, “SFCRNOFF”, “CANWAT”.
    • long_range + forcing: N/A (long_range has no forcing files.)
    Variable Options
    Option Full variable name associated geom
    streamflow Stream flow channel_rt
    velocity Stream Velocity channel_rt
    SNOWH Snow Depth land
    SNEQV Snow Water Equivalent land
    FSNO Snow Cover land
    ACCET Accumulated Total ET land
    SOILSAT_TOP Near Surface Soil Saturation land
    UGDRNOFF Accumulated Groundwater Runoff land
    SFCRNOFF Accumulated Surface Runoff land
    ACCECAN Accumulated Canopy Evaporation land
    SOIL_T Soil Temperature land
    SOIL_M Volumetric Soil Moisture land
    CANWAT Total Canopy Water land
    inflow Inflow reservoir
    outflow Outflow reservoir
    RAINRATE Rain Rate forcing
    LWDOWN Surface Downward Longwave Radiation forcing
    SWDOWN Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation Flux forcing
    Q2D 2-m Specific Humidity forcing
    T2D 2-m Air Temperature forcing
    U2D 10-m U-component of Wind forcing
    V2D 10-m V-component of Wind forcing
  • comid: The identifier of the stream reach, reservoir, or grid cell for the forecast. Options are listed below. To find out the corresponding comid of an interested geometry, please use the HydroShare National Water Model Web App (HydroShare user account is required).

    • single value: identifier for a stream reach or reservoir when “geom” is “channel_rt” or “reservoir”. e.g. [5781915]
    • two values: identifier for a grid cell when “geom” is “land” or “forcing”. Enter the grid south_north index followed by a comma and then the grid west_east index. e.g., [1636, 2036]
  • init_time: The UTC time of day at which the forecast is initialized, represented by an hour from “0” to “23”. Time “0” corresponds to 12:00AM, and so forth up to time “23” for 11:00PM. Only applicable if “config” is “short_range” or “medium_range”.

    • init_time option for short_range: 0, 1,…,23.
    • init_time option for medium_range: 0, 6, 12, 18.
  • time_lag: The time lag of the long range ensemble forecast. Only applicable if “config” is “long_range”.
    • time_lag option for long_range: 0, 6, 12, 18.
  • start_date: The start date of the forecast. A string of the form “YYYY-MM-DD”.

  • end_date: The ending date of the analysis assimilation data. Only applicable if “config” is “analysis_assim”. A string of the form “YYYY-MM-DD’.

  • output: The file path of the WaterML file to store the downloaded data.